3rd Annual Hair Dare Challenge to support Be The Rainbow Foundation
creating your own fundraising page today!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Towards Our Goal
Recurring Donors
Thanks to you,Be the Rainbow Foundation has been able to serve more then 120 families facing childhood cancer.. Your support and belief in our cause keeps us going strong as we partner with these families and various family support organizations.
It's time for our 3rd annual HAIR DARE CHALLENGE during September's Childhood Cancer Awareness month! Together, we can help GROW our village of supporters and raise funds to help us continue in our mission to help be a rainbow in whatever way we are able for families facing childhood cancer (financial assistance, special gifts, and HOPE). The burden that families face is unimaginable, but if we can help alleviate some of the burden and fill in some of the gaps that a family may experience, we help give them a chance to fight and heal, together as a family. Won't you help us share our blessings with others?
Getting started is easy to do, and it's fun. We'll even give you all the tools you'll need to make a difference.
Remember--it's just hair! Charlotte lost her hair (twice even!) as do so many children who are fighting cancer. Think of something DARING you might do with your hair (some ideas listed below!)
1.Using the tools provided, create a page and set a fundraising goal
2. share your page within your social circles (email, post on socials, etc)!
3. When you've hit your goal, DO YOUR HAIR DARE! Feel free to share your HAIR DARE by posting on social media and tag us! You could also tag a friend on social media, daring them to participate in our hair dare challenge! Have fun while helping to share our mission and help us financially increase our impact. YOU MIGHT EVEN WIN A COVETED, CUSTOMIZED BOBBLE HEAD TROPHY of yourself displaying your new hair as a top fundraiser!
We encourage all ages-youth, adults, or somewhere in between! Form a team with a group of friends or coworkers!
Here are just a few hair dare ideas below but feel free to make it your own!
-color your hair a new fun color or colors! (temporary hair color is perfect!
-shear designs/hair tattoo, buzz, mohawk, or shave it all (we love St. Baldrick's too!)
-Hey men--shave your legs or dye your beard?!
-Go for a brand new hair style/cut! (bangs! long locks? cut and donate to Children with Hair Loss or Wigs for Kids!)
-Add hair extensions or clip-ons
Go as BOLD and as DARING as you dare! Or keep it simple and just have some fun! ANYTHING GOES!
When you create a personal fundraiser page today for Be the Rainbow Foundation, you'll help rally your own friends, family, and social networks to support Be the Rainbow Foundation's mission. By becoming a fundraiser for Be the Rainbow Foundation, you will become an ambassador for our mission and create a special opportunity to help us grow our donor base all while raising some funds for these precious families we serve and those we have yet to serve.
Will you please help us?
Thank You for your support, Village!
Be the Rainbow Foundation
Jennifer Reynolds
3 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!
You will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:
Pre-Built Templates
Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.
A Smarter Donation Page
Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.
Automated Notifications & Emails
Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.